This policy is listed for reference only and should be reviewed with your lawyer before implementing them into daily practice. We are not lawyers and are not providing any legal advice. View our legal disclaimer.

Workforce Security: Policy on Policies

Reference: 45 CFR 164.308(a)(3)(i)
Last Updated: May 19, 2024


The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all team members have ready access to well developed and understandable policies. Policies are designed to:

  1. Support our mission;
  2. Achieve accountability by identifying team member’s responsibilities;
  3. Provide team members with clear, concise guidelines;
  4. Ensure we follow current regulations and legislation.


Policies will be:

  1. Presented in a common format.
  2. Kept current.

The Compliance Officer or Responsible individual will maintain copies of policies and policy revisions and place an electronic copy within the compliance manual.

The Compliance Officer shall also notify responsible parties when particular policies are scheduled for review or revision and is available to work with the responsible parties during any phase of the policy development process, including, if applicable, implementation of a training schedule.

As identified in the particular policy, the Compliance Officer will monitor compliance and facilitate remedies for noncompliance as directed by the policy.

All policies will be reviewed/updated as follows:

  1. Anytime a change (moving, introduction or change in equipment, change in guidelines or legislation) affecting a particular policy is in effect the same will be reviewed and updated if needed;
  2. All policies will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
    • Review of policies shall be documented on Annual Policy Review Form.
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